
ImA4Wheelr review on HX-1175b SST-90 LED Driver - This driver appears important enough to warant it"s own thread - Customer Reviews

ImA4Wheelr posted his review on our SST-90 LED Driver here
This driver appears important enough to warant it’s own thread. It would be awesome if a driver guru developed a DIY version of this driver. It is used in the UF-T90 and the Lustfire 3U2. There are some posts about it here and there. I will attempt to link to them later today. I modded one in this build.

ImA4Wheelr posted his review on our SST-90 LED Driver here

This driver appears important enough to warant it’s own thread. It would be awesome if a driver guru developed a DIY version of this driver. It is used in the UF-T90 and the Lustfire 3U2. There are some posts about it here and there. I will attempt to link to them later today. I modded one in this build.

This driver appears important enough to warant it’s own thread. It would be awesome if a driver guru developed a DIY version of this driver.

It is used in the UF-T90 and the Lustfire 3U2. There are some posts about it here and there. I will attempt to link to them later today. I modded one in this build.

The pictures below are the HX-1175b1. I purchased them from here. I contacted the vendor ahead of time telling him that I only wanted the HX-1175b, not the “C”. He sent me HX-1175b1′s. They look even better than the “b” in that they appear to have bigger voltage sense resistors” (from memory). I have not tested this driver yet. It does appear to be well assembled and has nice 24gauge silicone insulated wires. The toroidal inductor looks good too.

I will add some info later. For now, here are some pics.

The two pictures on the right below are of the HX-1175b that is in this Relic thread. My T90 driver had 2 R068′s which also equals .034 ohms. Layout and components appear to be the same except for the larger voltage sense resistors. Also, the torodial inductor appears to be slightly thicker wire, but same number of turns. The larger resistors is a great change because that is where the heat was generated in mine after swapping the FET’s out. There appears to be a small capacitor ( where I have a resistor labeled 303) next to a larger capacitor, but the circuit in the PCB appears to be the same.

ImA4Wheelr review on HX-1175b SST-90 LED Driver - This driver appears important enough to warant it"s own thread - Customer Reviews

